We are focused on these sectors to begin with. However, the vision is to become a horizontal lender across energy transition sectors.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is often called the First Fuel, underlining the importance of this sector in any energy transition scenario. We aim to offer tailored financing solutions to fast-track deployment of energy efficiency interventions

Solar Rooftops
Solar rooftops are quickly becoming an integral part of any dwelling, building, home, warehouse or factory. We want to play our role in ensuring every roof in India gets a solar installation through our financing solutions.
Wastewater Recycling
Wastewater recycling is one of the lowest hanging fruits in ensuring sustainable outcomes, both for water and energy. We’re excited to partner with companies in this sector to help ensure there’s zero effluent discharge into any water body in India

Beyond these three sectors, we’re also excited about the progress we see in compressed biogas and BESS (with or without a rooftop solar attached), in addition to many others.